How to Overcome the Bias We Have Toward Our Own Ideas

How to Overcome the Bias We Have Toward Our Own Ideas Executive Summary Research in innovation suggests that most ideators overvalue their ideas.  Unsurprisingly, this tendency is positively correlated with status.  Less obviously, line employees working in teams are also likely to overvalue ideas they come up with.  Both biases are related to social […]

On Managing Work – Not People

Managing Work – Not People Article Author:  @jamesdsteele Reference: Most leaders I work with have a common frustration they express to me: an inability to achieve significant gains in how quick and predictable they are in delivering work to their customers. In my work as a consultant, coach, and trainer, there is one strategy that […]

Common Git Commands

Overview Git is a modern Source Control Management tool. It’s wildly popular since it provides a mechanisms to broadly share and merge code bases. This article lists the most common commands and by no means replaces the extensive documentation found here: Commands Configure Git git config –global “wassamz” git config –global “” […]

How Design Thinking, Design Sprints, and Lean Startup are Related

Design Tools for your Toolbox Attention to design continues to become more prevalent as organizations look for new ways to bring meaningful products to customers. Although these techniques are not new, they are becoming hot topics as teams look for new ways to innovate. In this article we will briefly go through design techniques, how […]

Zombie Scrum

Zombie Scrum

A year ago, your organization adopted the Scrum framework. Scrum helped you break down functional silos, improve communication with stakeholders, increase collaboration on your team and across teams, and facilitate cross-disciplinary skill development among staff members. It was exciting at first. Everyone was engaged and everyone was enthusiastic. Stable teams were established, and work was […]

Top-down management doesn’t work with Scrum

Top-down management doesn’t work with Scrum Scrum Alliance released its 2016 ‘State of Scrum‘ report and the results indicate that businesses are having difficulty adapting to Agility based project management. Scrum is an Agile framework for completing complex projects. The basic idea behind the platform is for workers to share information and remain flexible to client-based design […]