Git is a modern Source Control Management tool. It’s wildly popular since it provides a mechanisms to broadly share and merge code bases.
This article lists the most common commands and by no means replaces the extensive documentation found here: git-scm.com/doc
Configure Git
git config –global user.name “wassamz”
git config –global user.email “wassam@email.com”
Set the remote repository origin
git remote add origin https://github.com/wassamz/gitfun
Clone repository
git clone URL
Add file to local staging
git add <filenames>
Status of file changes
git status
Check for file differences
git diff
Commit change to local repository
git commit -m “descriptive commit message”
Push change to repository
git push -u origin master
git push
List all branches
git branch
Switch to a different branch
git checkout banch-name
Merge branch
git merge <branch name>
Delete branch on remote repository
git push –delete origin <branch name>
Delete branch in local repository
git branch –delete <branch name>
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