This handy app automatically schedules Slack messages so your entire team sees them

This handy app automatically schedules Slack messages so your entire team sees them Slack is great for communicating with your entire team no regardless of whether you’re in the same room together or working remotely. But if you use a common chat channel to ping your group, there’s a chance that your message will get […]

ScrumMaster or Armchair Psychologist? – Notes from a Webinar by Angela Johnson

Learn more about transforming people, process and culture with the Real Agility ProgramValerie Senyk I like taking notes when I’m learning. I believe it helps me to retain what I’m hearing, although I have no solid proof to back that up. March 9, 2016, I took advantage of a free webinar offered by the Scrum […]

Lean Software and Systems Engineering — SAFe 4.0

With the release of Scaled Agile Framework 4.0 a new 4th level is added to the freely available knowledge base. It is for a higher level of operation for larger organizations, providing a greater value stream for those businesses that have both software and systems engineering teams, developing both hardware and firmware (embedded software). Scaled Agile, the […]

Estimate Theater

We’re in a retrospective. This was after a major event, so we discussed a few of the things that have gone awry, like delayed integration with other teams, unfinished stories, and then how we’re going to fix them. All in all, a good open discussion. And then, as we’re getting ready to close the session, one […]

Accidental Agility

Thought Exercise One Let’s say for the moment that I am the CIO of a mid-sized company. I have a team of 100 or so people building software. Let’s also say that those 100 people are largely dedicated to 10-15 smaller products, there are few dependencies between those products, and we are currently using traditional […]

When Job Hopping Goes Wrong

While surfing a thread about a potential job change in Reddit’s /r/cscareerquestions (DISCLOSURE: I’m a mod), I read the following comment: "There is no such thing as ruining a career by switching jobs too often" At the time this was the most upvoted comment in the thread, which troubled me because it is rather poor […]